Help > Payroll Process > 1. Create A New Payroll Process
1. Create A New Payroll Process

Click on the New Payroll Process button.

Select payroll type and maintain description.

Payroll Period: Select payroll period and determine the leave cut off day to calculate unpaid leave.

Filter: Tick which departments/employee to include in the payroll processor or remain untick to process all.


After process, the following screen will be prompted and the payroll summary will be displayed.

Summary Tab

Upper side shows the summary total of processed payroll while lower side show the processed employee listing.


You may click on Summary Files button to view draft payslip and draft payroll summary report. These reports are only available for viewing purpose. To view actual report, go to Management Report.

Detail Tab

Go to detail tab to view payroll detail for each employee.


Common function in Payroll Process

PCB Calculation Detail: To show PCB calculation details as per below.

LHDN Calculator: Click this button to directly open LHDN e-calculator.

Recalculate All: To recalculate payroll to reflect any changes made on the payroll items.

Reset: To reset payroll to its default setting.

Back: Click back button to return to process payroll main screen.

Click on the following button to view payroll by listing mode.