Help > Apply Leave & Leave Approval > New Apply Leave
New Apply Leave

There are three options to apply new leave;

i.      From employee self service portal, you can click on  (plus sign), then select on Leave.




ii.    From Profile, can directly click on Leave button.





iii.   From employee dashboard, you can click on Apply Leave button on the left side.


Then following Apply Leave listing screen will be prompted.


           Add New: To apply new leave







Leave type: Select type of leave. Example, AL – Annual Leave

Calendar: Select date for apply leave

Reason: Fill in the reason for applying leave

Attachment: Can attach file in the system

Save: To save and apply the leave

Discard: To discard and exit the apply leave




Leave type: Select type of leave. Example, AL – Annual Leave

Date: Select date for apply leave, and select either AM/PM session

Reason: Fill in the reason for applying leave

Attachment: Can attach file in the system

Save: To save and apply the leave

Discard: To discard and exit the apply leave



Employee dashboard will be updated.

Pending Leave Request will be displayed at the dashboard.